Saturday, December 27, 2008

Angelina Mercedes Mayo

Angelina-the first born granddaughter (#1 - I now call her!) is of Mexican descent on her mother, Sandra's side.
Full of high spiritedness, strong willed and strong minded. Outspoken, sometimes talking too much, but always giving you her heart. She is strong in body with a somewhat "stocky" build which most times works to her advantage. Most boys know not to mess with her! Although she is a first degree martial artist, she sometimes lets down that toughness, to show her more gentler side. She shows vulnerableness due to her father being in the Military - feeling abandoned when someone she loves goes away - even a week. It is very hard on her when her father is deployed for months at a time, as she is very attached to him-looking to him for love and support. She shows patience and kindness to younger children and babies and loves animals too. Although she tries to be strong, her baby sister - Gabriella's passing, two months ago, has really made an impact on her. She is still trying to sort through all the variety of feelings from this trauma in her life. She has known God from an early age and has committed her life to Jesus, following his command to be baptized in water, a couple of years ago. As a pre-teen, she still has those days of "rebellion and disrespect" but one thing is different. She always asks forgiveness if she offends and is quick to say "I'm sorry". I am reminded that no one is perfect. I know this is God working in her life. This year for Christmas, she asked for a "purity" ring, a sign of commitment to God that some of the teens are wearing these days. Please keep her in your prayers. I trust God to show her what His Will is for her life.

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