Saturday, January 2, 2010

Preparing Food Bags for the 2009 Holidays

In memory of our precious Gabbie, Teresa, Angelina & I prepared and delivered food bags during the Thanksgiving & Christmas holiday season through "Froggie's Food Pantry" associated with Gabriella's Miracle Foundation. Josh was out of town for training, but he provided moral support for us! The non perishable food was prepared in eco-friendly reusable food bags and given out to various families including the 10 families that were staying at the local Ronald McDonald House over the Thanksgiving holiday. We are determined next year to prepare no less than 100 food bags and/or make food donations at the local food banks. All the local food banks were short on food this year due to the economy and the two NorEasters that came through our area recently. We are always prepared to offer a food bag to anyone in need throughout the year as well. It was truly a blessing to provide these bags. We know our Gabbie is smiling.

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