Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Christa's signature silly face - the scrunchy nose

Silly girl

Spring is finally here

Gabbie's website - on hold and changing

An update for baby Gabbie's website. I have taken down (but saved all info and pics) baby Gabriella's website, since I have not been able to make it a non profit site and the website fees keep going up. It is not permanent, just under "new construction". I feel bad that due to the past 15 months of preoccupation, I have not completed my task with the website, but all is not lost...or forgotten. It WILL go forth. God's timing will be perfect. Look for it up and running...and non profit....soon.

baby Mambo dance - video!

Just a

First adventure in the tube - video

Sleeping sisters

At the park for picnic on Easter

Easter 2011

Botanical Garden day trip

Spring Break - a trip to the Botanical Gardens

Our military friends & their family - transferred to Fl key west this spring

Low key birthday this year - waiting for 15 & 16 to celebrate big-time!

Lina in line for honor roll presentation - made honor roll this year!

Lina - ready for school choir recital & another solo!

Christa - age 14.5 months

Angelina pics